
Showing posts from October, 2022

STARTUP STAGE: Luxury Travel Hackers makes dream trips for millennials on social media

Creator tech can’t take the lion’s share and leave pennies for the creators. In other words, creator tech’s success is inextricable from creator success. Creator tech must go all-in on supporting smaller creators. Without supporting small creators and fair payouts, and without continually improving platforms that connect creators to sponsorship and patronage opportunities, all the progress made against the superstar model will be for naught. It’s not the ’90s, and there are no tentpoles in this game. Large numbers of small creators form the very demand that creator tech relies on. The platforms offering the most — the most money, the most visibility, the most opportunities, the most accessibility — will win. Creator tech should continue to embrace and innovate on modern patronage. Creator tech is already fostering a competitive market of patron platforms that cater to specific creators’ needs and, in certain cases, connect brands with creators for profitable partnerships. For crea